August 22, 2010

Barnes and Noble up for sale

Now this is one headline that I hate to see. Barnes and Noble is up for sale. It does not mean it is going out of business, but says it is in need of some major tinkering to remain in business. Why are they in trouble? For me personally it is because their product is too highly priced. To buy a book you have to be prepared to lay out $26 to $35 dollars. That's a lot of dollars to pay out for a book you most likely will read once.

How they would be able to bring the prices down to a reasonable level is beyond me, but I think it will have to be done somehow. I have succumbed to the digital sirens song and have purchased an e-reader. Why? Many reasons, but one, to stay on track, is that I can purchase a book for around ten dollars. On one hand I pay 35 dollars, on the other 10 dollars, hmmm which one do I pick? Another factor, albeit not a large consideration, is that after a lifetime of buying and accumulating books it's time to unload to open up some space for other uses. Digital readers, the one I bought, can store up to 3500 books. I won't live long enough to even scratch that surface.

That said, I have a Barnes and Noble in my town, and I would hate to see it go away. I have enjoyed innumerable afternoons there just strolling and sightseeing the titles and covers, taking perhaps a little time out for a coffee and a munchie. It is a welcoming place, allowing its patrons the freedom to just look or sit in a comfortable chair and sample a book or two.

I hope it stays in my town as long as I'm still breathing and can enjoy its ambiance in the leisurely manner they allow.

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