March 15, 2007


How important is the cover art on books or magazines? I think it is very important. As my eyes first scan a book or magazine the first thing it sees is the artwork. After that the authors name and/or the title will draw me to investigate further. But first it is the art on the cover. Like that old much quoted line, A picture is worth a thousand words, cover art will get your attention first before you investigate further. If the cover art is good, it will on its own give the looker an idea of what's inside the covers. It, of course, does not guarantee what you get when you start reading. I have been fooled, or enticed by the wrappings a few times when the book is less than its cover. But maybe that's part of the fun of book buying, trying to judge in those few moments if you should lay down some pretty heavy cash and take it home with you.

The cover art shown is by Peter Thorpe and in its simplicity it conveys a feeling of warmth and tranquillity and a good book, a great match of place and activity; it caught my eye.

The other is no less a subject than a label for a brand of beer, but like any good cover art, it caught my eye. If I found myself in a bar and had to order something I might very well buy that particular brand because of the label. For me that is as good a reason as any, as I have never yet found a beer that tastes good to my palate. I always find them too bitter for more than a few slugs of the brew. But besides the cover art, I have found beer ads on television to be the most persuasive of all ads. They make it look so darn good, and for me I know it's not, but the power of advertising is something.

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